Member Spotlight: Jon Mecca
What draws you to skate photography, and how do you approach capturing the energy and movement of the sport?
What always drew me to skate photography is how much there is to capture in just one instant moment. Skate photography relies heavily on anticipation, freezing the action and capturing the peak moment. What makes it so unique to me is the technical application it requires in relation to a creative approach. It really pushes you to gain a deep understanding of the many nuances of the photographic process. I feel like skate photography kind of forces you to push the envelope in that aspect. Not only are you documenting this thing, but it allows so much room for creativity.
My approach to capturing the energy is to put myself in the skater’s shoes. Ultimately the photo tells the story, where they take off, what trick they are trying, what obstacle, and where they’re going to land. I try to go beyond the key factors of what makes a skate photo, and showcase the challenging elements of everything that’s going on.
Skate photography gives me the same feeling of accomplishment that the physical act of skateboarding does. Whether it's getting the “money-shot” or actually landing a trick, photography and skateboarding are both ways for me to express myself, progress, and see the world in a different way.
2. How has your style or approach to photography evolved over time?
Over time I believe I have become more open to challenging my way of seeing. I’m embracing being uncomfortable and stepping into areas of photography that may have seemed unattainable on a skill level. Ultimately taking what I know and applying it to other realms, and trying new things. My work will only grow if I’m willing to grow. It’s a constant journey of figuring it out, photographers are forever students of light, and light is always changing.
3. How did you first come across CMC, and what drew you to become a part of this collective?
I was introduced to CMC through fellow member Christina Santucci, who encouraged me to check it out. It’s great to have an environment where you consistently have discourse around photography and portfolio development. Challenging your creativity, asking questions, and constructive criticism is key for growth. Being around other photographers and sharing ideas gives a great sense of community.
4. Could you share 3-5 images from your most recent project or photo series? We'd love to hear the story behind these works and what inspired the project.
Sam Mecca - Kickflip to Frontside 5-0
This photo was shot during one of the last filming missions for my brother’s video part for Nimbus Skateboards. I handled the videography and photography for this project, with the photos being used for an interview in Skate Jawn magazine issue 79. This was our second time coming back to this spot. We took a ferry out early in the morning, and within 30 minutes we walked away with both the photo and the video footage. It was a ton of weight off both of our shoulders, and it was the final caliber trick for his video.
Soo Saxton - Ollie
This photo mission was kind of out of the blue, and sometimes that’s how the best things happen. I suggested this bump-to-bar spot to Soo and he was down to check it out. It was in my neighborhood but I didn’t have a sense of scale until we saw it in person. It was larger than it appears on google maps, but Soo stepped up to the plate and did it within 10 tries. This photo was published in the photo section for Skate Jawn issue 81.
3.Alberto Olivier - Backside Kickflip
I met Berto on a whim at my local skate shop one morning and hit it off, we agreed to go shoot some photos. This was my first ever time shooting with him and I was blown away by how naturally talented he is. We shot this photo within 20 minutes of meeting up that day, and this kicked off a project we worked on over the course of that summer, eventually stacking photos for his interview in Skate Jawn issue 82.
Justin Reilly - Frontside 50-50
This photo came from a spontaneous idea I had a few months prior. I saw Justin skating his towing trailer for fun just messing around in his driveway, I told him next time I was in town that we should shoot a fancy photo of it for old time’s sake. I also wanted to incorporate Justin’s passion for cars in the shot, and his Volkswagen pickup was so photogenic for this type of shot. Photographing skateboarding is usually a serious ordeal for me, but it was nice to take a casual approach for this one.