Monthly Meetings & Membership


Monthly meetings

Camera of the Month Club members convene monthly to share photographic work in a group critique setting. We require members to show physical prints, as this invites rich discussion and a tangible interactive critique process. The critiques offer feedback, rich discussion, new ideas, and strengthen each member’s ability to analyze their own photography in a friendly competent yet objective manner.

Each meeting up to 8 members show work, approximately 12-14 prints from a body of work they are currently working on. Each member gets the same amount of time for presentation and feedback and is offered two rounds of critique at two different critique tables.

We encourage interested photographers to contact us through this website before attending a meeting. We invite new members to attend a full meeting to observe and participate before bringing their own work for a critique. Our meetings are held at 6 :30PM on the last Tuesday of the month, SohoPhoto Gallery in Tribeca, 15 White Street.


Membership requirements

While CMC’s roots and continued success in its ability to create a deep sense of community and friendliness, a requirement of that is membership consistency. We recognize that it can be a vulnerable act to share one’s artwork with a group of fellow artists and we lower barriers to entry by fostering a community of photographers that show up consistently. Membership requirements include: 60% attendance for the year, a combination of meeting and field trip attendance; showing prints at least twice a year; paying membership dues ($10 monthly); taking over the Instagram account once a year, and having active participation in the critiques.


Benefits of our membership

Members learn about who they are as photographers, honing their vision of what they shoot and how they shoot, and most importantly, why they shoot it. The meetings and exhibits foster a creative and supportive space for emerging to mid-career photographers to share their images, receive critical feedback, and develop their photographic vision. The collective promotes diversity within photography and the visibility of its members.

The CMC Directors organize monthly photo walks and field trips throughout the year, outside of the monthly critiques. This is an opportunity to explore the city with one’s camera, build deeper relationships with the CMC community. Similarly, we also organize trips to museums, talks and galleries. The CMC Directors organize an Annual Photo Retreat each fall, where members are invited to submit applications to be a part of a weekend photography intensive, led by both Directors and members. Finally, the CMC Directors organize at least one annual photo exhibition every year, showcasing the work of its members.

CMC provides me a space where I can share my work and be inspired by my peers. I’ve been shooting way more since I started attending.